03.06.2008. - 12:52:33
’Transvestite’ was coined by Dr. Mangus Hirschfeld in 1910, but today takes on a clinical guise. Transvestite is a term found in clinical descriptions. Clinically, a transvestite is one that shows compulsive behavior to wear the clothing of and emulate the opposite sex usually concluding with sexual gratification. This condition is only considered a disorder if it causes the individual not to be reasonably productive in all other areas of life and society. There is no cure and studies indicate they are born this way. Tāds citātiņš, lai paskaidrotu, ka "psihoterapeitisks" še tika piesaukts negatīvā nozīmē, jo vārdam "transvestīts" nav laba skaņa. Īsāk sakot, kamēr galvā ir vēl arī kaut kas cits nekā transvestisms, par veselības traucējumu nav runas.