

ValstsAmerikas Savienotās Valstis
PilsētaLong Beach
Horoskopa zīmeDvīņi
Seksuālā orientācijaBiseksuāls(-a)
Iepazīšos ar - vīrieti
Vecumā no: 18 līdz 30 gadiem
Iepazīšanās mērķis: Attiecības bez saistībām.
Valodas - Hablo español/castellano
- I speak English
- Je parle français
- Parlo italiano
Vairāk par mani
I am Italian and American. I am French-educated. I am traveling to Vilnius early in 2007. It would be great to already know someone by the time I get to Lithuania... especially if you are youthful, and your heart is generous (like mine)...

I have a friend who is also an attractive young man, who will be traveling with me.

I am open to romance, and even Love -- but unfortunately I am only staying for one week. You don’t have to speak english, or any other language besides Lithuanian, for that matter -- so please, tell your friends from the countryside! :)

A bien tot!

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