  Nu tas i es, i -bio:)...

Es esmu plebejs un lauķis, Pie inteliģences pielipis dadzis Kā nevajadzīga grēma, durvju kājusla...

jurcix | 03.08.2011. - 18:50:32 | 1787   2   3

  uzmini, par ko ir sis?...

There is one letter that seperates Greek from a geek;A cult of body sculpture and refined art, A ling...

jurcix | 26.04.2009. - 18:33:55 | 2866   0   0

  Veltijums pildspalvai... ...

A pen.It has an imaginative might to describe, Yet be careful, it could get sarcastic, A perilous deat...

jurcix | 13.04.2009. - 22:08:00 | 2796   0   0

  poema par juru un putnu...

An OceanwaveA swallow flattered to an oceanwave;With a tip of the wings caressing the bearded frothT...

jurcix | 13.04.2009. - 21:45:32 | 2979   0   0

  Par patiesibu.Patiesiba ir tirpas.Kad nolaizhot acis,Taas ai...

Par patiesibu.Patiesiba ir tirpas.Kad nolaizhot acis, Taas aizmirst but stipras.Patiesiba ir staaja, k...

jurcix | 21.12.2008. - 00:53:22 | 2168   0   0

  nu kautkaa taaa... ...

Man patik, ka dzied Sara Braitmena, un vinai ir dziesma Captain Nemo. Tas man atsauc atmina Zhaku...

jurcix | 08.12.2008. - 11:49:25 | 3071   0   0

  I please... ...

I please With an ease, Please, let me Breathe. Let free, Release Or My life Will cease And I wil...

jurcix | 07.12.2008. - 02:05:24 | 2781   0   0

  Es esmu ar tevi... Es esmu ar tevi lidz pasaules galam,Un v...

Es esmu ar tevi... Es esmu ar tevi lidz pasaules galam, Un viss kas mums bijis un bus, To kopa mes da...

jurcix | 05.12.2008. - 03:17:42 | 1935   0   0

  Jauniba ir tavs kapitals. ka balta lapa ,uz kuras vientiesi ...

Jauniba ir tavs kapitals. ka balta lapa, uz kuras vientiesi skricelee ar zimuli, bet tu ar dzesgumij...

jurcix | 01.12.2008. - 04:08:10 | 2075   1   1

  For my America. This is a message to you!...

I have a dreamI have a dream that one day I could wake up where my dream would be no different from...

jurcix | 23.11.2008. - 02:50:05 | 1894   0   0

  Cats and Dogs.Not raining. Par musu mazajiem braliem... ...

EssayCats and Dogs. And not raining. Those little fuzzy comets. Whoosh, like trailblazers they land...

jurcix | 23.11.2008. - 02:22:21 | 1926   0   0

  manas domas par Dievu... My thoughts about God... ...

Where art thou God?Me too. I am wondering and wandering, roaming through the passages of time, incid...

jurcix | 29.10.2008. - 02:34:24 | 1920   0   0

  Es stavu juras krasta, un divainam saldam mieram ka karamele...

Es stavu juras krasta, un divainam saldam mieram ka karamelei apnemot manu traki pulsejoso sirdi, es...

jurcix | 13.10.2008. - 01:45:27 | 1907   2   0

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